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Emma Wright The Body Confidence Coach

Education, events & coaching for parents of toddlers to teens

5 ways to work with me. Let’s figure out what’s best for you

1. Get the workbook for parents

The Raising Body Confident Workbook walks you through the 10-principles of raising body confident kids. You get the knowledge + practical actions to take so your children are set up to feel good about their body. 

NO more anxious conversations!

Work with me
Work with me

2: Experience 1:1 coaching

If you’re looking to transform your own relationship with food and your body, or want highly targeted help with your kids, this option is a good one to check out.

Work with me

3: Book a Parent Talk

Come meet me live. Hear me share practical advice on what you and the whole community can do to raise body confident kids. 


The whole community wins!

Work with me
Work with me

4: Join The Body Confidence Coaching Club

A club that helps free you and your family from food and body image struggles with practical tools, online eCourse, and support in an affordable and powerful way.

The support starts now!

Work with me

5: Follow me on Social Media

Get me in your feed for inspiration, cool quotes, great messages and a bit of fun.




Work with me

Want your kids to stop asking for sweets or candy while you’re out shopping?

Stop the begging, whinging, nagging – every time they see the bright, brilliantly marketed sugary stuff. And never hear them ask again. No policing or hard to implement tactics. You’ll stop the fights and be calmer to boot! Take the free 15 min class today.