Purchase your ticket to the (School Name) Raising Body Confident Kids seminar here.
WHAT: Raising Body Confident Kids 45 min video seminar
WHEN: Link sent on (date) – or watch, movie style (time and place)
WHO: Parents of toddlers to teens
TICKETS: $19 (School receives a $10 donation from each ticket).
The seminar is based on parents saying they want their child:
- To reject messages that tell them their body is flawed.
- To eat without overthinking.
- To respect and care for their bodies and eat the same way whether parents are in the room or not.
- To not hate their reflection in mirrors and judge their worth on the size of their jeans.
- To believe that who they are as a person is more important than how they look
- To know that if someone bullies them about their body, something was wrong with that person, not them.
- To have resilience and fortitude and be able to stand up for themselves in the face of adversity or peer pressure.
If we want to raise a child to have food freedom and body respect, we have to do things differently from what so many parenting conventions teach us to do. We need to…
- Understand health and weight from a new perspective,
- Help our child self-regulate sleep and screens,
- Teach our child to stand up for their body being accepted even when (especially when) it doesn’t fit culturally sanctioned measurements,
- Learn how to talk with our child so both parties can listen to each other,
- Have hard conversations so our child will come to us when needed, rather than believe “ I could never tell that to my parents!”
That’s the journey this fundraising education program starts you on.