Why I do what I do?
In my early teens, I went on my first diet. From there, weight loss became a fixture in my brain. From lifestyle changes to cutting out food groups, from counting calories to going organic, the through line was the space it took in my brain and the disappointment I felt on repeat.
The heady rush of being told I looked great the times weight loss was achieved kept me in the diet-restrict cycle trying to get a different outcome. One that never came.
That cycle left me powerless. I could never sustain the weight loss or exercise regimes that I thought would resolve my body for once and for all. With each cycle the shame would deepen.
With body image and intuitive eating coaching, all that changed. I went from thinking about food all day and feeling disgust at my reflection to a very different life experience.
I began to eat without fear or worry or mental gymnastics. I could face myself in the mirror and see – just a person.
I stopped people-pleasing. I gained confidence, and my self-worth grew. So did my ability to sustain long term health promoting practices.
The space I had in my mind to be creative, do my work, be with my kids, was extraordinary.
I could move my body and eat foods that nourish me without spending much time thinking about it. Food and health were put in their place. Important but not dominating.
That’s why I trained to be an intuitive eating and body freedom coach. So I could help others experience the freedom that I now have.
I want all women to have the power to step away from internal body/food narratives that keep us stuck – with a side helping of changing cultural narratives that harm us.
So, I created the Women, Power & Wellbeing 1:1 private coaching program, wrote Body-Confident and regularly speak at schools.
Ready to end get out of the vicious cycle? Taking the three-part body image self assessment to see the full effect diet culture has had on your life is a great place to start.