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Ready for a better relationship with your body?

80% of women report hating their bodies. Amazing leaders, parents, and up-to-big-things folks operate on top of a conversation that their bodies are wrong and not good enough. It’s time for that to change.

The Women, Power & Wellbeing private 1:1 coaching program will transform the way you eat, your confidence and your sense of worthiness. 

Want to host a parent event at your school?

My speaking calendar fills up fast each year. 

Contact me for more information.

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Here for your child/teen?

Check out the parenting program endorsed by medical professionals.

“Emma’s program is a game-changer” 

Let’s stay connected.  Join hundreds of other women who read the infamous Talking with Emma newsletter.

Raising Body Confident Kids

I’m a kiwi mum of two, who has survived an eating disorder and knows how much better life is now that I’ve transformed by relationship with my body. Let’s walk this incredible journey together.