Why Raising Body Confident Kids
As parents, we all want our children to be happy and healthy.
You may be wondering how Raising Body Confident Kids is different from a healthy food pamphlet given at the doctor’s office or a blog about the benefits of getting your tween to exercise regularly.
There are a few differences, but the two most important ones are:
One: We take a long-term approach that puts the child in the driver’s seat. It’s no use whatsoever making your child eat lots of vegetables and restricting sugar, because when you’re not in the room, they will do what they want anyway. We take an approach that helps your child nourish themselves well, not overthink food and eat the same why whether you are in the room or not.
Two, the second fundamental difference is we don’t use size as a measure of health. It’s been shown again and again that using weight as a measure of health can cause mental stress and lead to eating disorder and body shame. Besides, using weight as a measure of health assumes parents have ultimate control over the size of their children and they don’t. We aim to help you instil in your child respect for their body and the ability to care for it well, regardless it’s size, ability or health issues.
There are four promises we believe in at Raising Body Confident Kids.
You’ll be more confident in your parenting. You’ll fight with them less and enjoy them more.
You and your kids will be empowered with tools and strategies backed by science.
You’ll learn how to protect your kids from cultural pressure to be thin.
The whole family will have a happier, healthier relationship with food and your bodies.
It’s a privilege and a pleasure to share everything I know about raising body confident kids.
Emma x