Book Resources
Healthy online engagement contract
Eating disorders
Eating Disorders Association of NZ, Helpline 0800 2 EDANZ (0800 2 33269).
Eating Disorders Carer Support NZ – can provide support and extensive resources:
Recovered Living NZ – Information about recovery and inhouse programs
The Butterfly Foundation – Good information in Australia
US National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) – lots of good resources and information
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) – Support, connection and community; good resources and information
Resource for selective or picky eaters
Judith Yeabsley, ‘The Confident Eater’
Weight-inclusive nutrition services, including picky eating
Nicole Cruz – US based, international focused
Interview with Evelyn Tribole
Body-inclusive books for toddlers to teens
For some extra ideas at all ages
Bedtime gratitude script
Talking to youth about Porn
Helplines NZ
Parent Helpline: 0800 568 856
Youthline –12–26-year-olds and their families via text, email, phone or face-to-face (in some regions): 0800 376 633
Free text 234
What’s Up? – 5–19-year-olds via phone or webchat with trained counsellors about anything: 0800 942 8787
Helplines Australia
Kids Helpline – 5–25-year-olds webchat, phone or email: 1800 55 1800
Headspace – 12–25-year-olds and families via phone, online or email: 1800 650 890
Other helpful resources
NZ Mental Health Foundation Resources
Australia Youth Mental Health Foundation – 12–25-year-olds:
Resources for Māori and Pasifika
Gender and sexuality
NZ helpline: OUTLine – LGBTIQA+/Rainbow 0800 688 5463
NZ service: RainbowYOUTH
NZ resource: Be There
Australian resource: Families Like Mine
Body dysmorphia
BDD Foundation – worldwide resource